Case Studies

Case Study #9 – The Art of Receiving in Relationships
Julie said, ‘I remember the moment. It dawned on me that not only am I not able to receive, but I don’t know what I want. I realise that I know what I don’t want but not what I do. This realisation of not knowing is terrifying.’

Case Study #8 – When Things Are Not Always What They Seem
Rita’s situation is an example of an external reality that we could not argue with. The facts seemed to be set in stone. Her experience was undeniable and was pushing her to react. She felt so bad about hurting his feelings. She felt so helpless about it changing. From Rita’s position, she was stuck.

Case Study #7 – Healing Childhood Trauma Through Intimate Relationships
Chloe and Jamie were both abused as children. Unfortunately, those who were meant to care for them perpetrated the abuse. Chloe and Jamie both said that their sex life was great. It was everything else that wasn’t working.

Case Study #6 – Maddening Jealousy
Lauren realised that when sensing into the intense feeling she initially just wanted to go away, she was feeling into her aliveness. It was ‘life’ she was feeling, not only something she needed to control or shut down.

Case Study #5 – Sexless Marriage Transformation
Jim and Tami demonstrate that through doing relational work, it is possible to be fully self-actualised while remaining in relationship to another.

Case Study #4 – Ridding Our Guilt Can Set Our Partner Free
Mira’s hook that clung to her mind and gripped her heart was of guilt. No matter what she did, guilt showed up to tell her that she was hurting someone else when taking care of her needs – that there was fundamentally something wrong with her taking care of herself.

Case Study #3 – Growing Mutual Intimacy and Connection
Xavier was extremely eager to learn how to provide Jasmin’s desire. He was still feeling a little unsafe, not fully recovered from so many years of being consistently rejected. He understood that Jasmine was not holding all the answers. Rather, they were stepping in to a journey of mutual discovery.

Case Study #2 –Self-Love and Betrayal?
When Mark and Eva came to see me, Eva had already admitted that the relationship was probably beyond repair. After ten years of being a full-time mum she had decided to apply for a position in a soul-driven leadership organization offering seminars around the world.

Case Study #1 – Relational Blind Spots
When Shyla started weeping in the session Ezra froze. The more Ezra froze the more she wept. She had just recalled a painful childhood memory of her parents fighting. Shyla remembered her father slamming the newly renovated kitchen cabinet doors while her mother dramatically yelled and cried.
Exclusive Couple Therapy & Relationship Insight From Tamar
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